Monday 28 March 2011

How to solve political issues:

Abortion, Social Security, Stem Cells: Make sexuality not a crime by having seniors raise kids. Teach parents to take responsibility. Give your elders something to do, a sense of security that transcends societal understanding. Understand that life has no beginning and end and thus cannot be destroyed.
Agriculture: Rinse the land of pesticides and start vertical farming.
Affirmative Action, Race Relations: See everyone as equal and start a program to help people gain social freedom so that we are all seen as one race. Set up systems of unity and respect.
Animal Rights: Go vegan, or at least get back to killing animals humanely.
The Budget: Legalize all drugs and sell them in unmarked dispensaries.
Campaign Finance: Make all contributions public knowledge and give candidates free air time.
Church and State, School Prayer: Keep them separate. Morality is your choice and cannot be legislated.
Climate Change, Energy, Nuclear: Use zero-carbon public transport, grow your own food in communal gardens, get off the grid, and use solar-biodiesel-fusion. And oh yeah, crack cold fusion.
Crime: Give every individual a voice and dignity, and an option within the system to pursue their happiness.
Death Penalty: Rehabilitate, no matter how much it hurts.
Drugs, Tobacco, Marijuana: Legalize all drugs and make life worth living.
Education: Teach children to come to their own wisdom instead of digesting facts.
Environment: Knock down houses and bring back nature so we can see we're a part of it.
Guns: Legalize home defense and bring in bullet controls.
Flat Tax: Set up a flat economy first.
Foreign Policy, Illegal Immigration, Free Trade, Terrorism: Set up a one world government that provides energy, education, health care, and a defense force for conflict, by removing ALL country borders. This would eventually remove the conditions for terrorism and poverty.
Gay Rights: Legalize.
Health Care, Patient Rights, Medicare: Everyone gets everything solved. (haha). Increase spending on research for the greatest killers - cancer, AIDS - and make data flow transparent and invisible.
Business and Tech: Cart before the horse. Problems come first instead of rampant growth.
Lobbying: Set up restrictions on how much a particular vested interest can be promoted.
Unemployment/Veterans/Welfare: Give everyone enough credits to have the basic needs of life set up, plus the opportunity to go higher if they need to. This would offset programs that deal with crime, war, and poverty (such as law!) Those who don't need it - can pass it on!

How can I implement solutions to these great problems?
Go to the most needy places and institute energy (solar, algae) and agriculture programs. Use zero-carbon public transport, Grow in communal gardens. Use solar panels. Educate inside towns. Set up entrepreneurial sectors.

Friday 25 March 2011

Guitar Pro and Fretlight guitars.

I think this is a really cool addition and have a few suggestions.

Is it possible to get feedback from a touch sensitive guitar? This could open up the following -

- A 'learning program' that moves your level of control up gradually, 1 bpm at a time. For example, you repeat a selected area 10/100 times, or perfectly for a minute at 100bpm, and then move up to 102 or 105, 120, until you reach the song's tempo). Then you get an accuracy report at the end of practice, and an automatic diary entry to see how far you have come. There could be different modes and levels of repetition for how motivated the user is.

- You could add a mode for build in transcription software which takes MP3/WAV/FLAC audio on the user's computer and helps the user match up the audio tracks with the tabulature.

- You could include games: ear training and sightreading tests, learning the 500+ included scales and their positions at different tempos, learning different techniques, and playing patterns in different groupings, note rates, and time signatures.

Plus, there are still a few things I'd like Guitar Pro to cover on itself:
- new RSE sounds,
- the option to export to Cubase/VST sounds,
- the option to reverse notes within a set rhythm.

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Does politics neuter everyone? I thought it was about solving problems but it's more a social whack-a-mole slash eternal-moving-bandaid. Yet there is room for glory and surprise despite everyone's greatest efforts, usually borne out of disaster. So it goes, time passes on, but I guess my point that shows like the West Wing teach me that you have to be sharp, as sharp as you've ever been. The hidden truth is that time wears you down to a nub. Life is an utter battlefield. 7 billion of us in a fight for survival, all trying to do the right thing.
One must look both ways - transcend partisanship...and then, from all the data, make a decision which is inevitably partisan. It's a tough one. And the way the world is right now, I doubt it will end or at least stabilise for at least another few hundred years.

Watched Paul. Not bad but I won't remember it. Will finish watching all of the West Wing plus Rango tomorrow. The only cue I can gather is the inspiration to be that sharp all the time. Plus I read some media reviews and thoroughly enjoyed the verbiage. It inspires me that no matter what, there's always more places to shift the assemblage point to.
Read a great article on Natalie Portman too. Is she a great actress? Depends on the media perception you have - the roles you get, the script you're given, the actors and directors you are with, the way you are that evolves over time. But, despite an inconsistent track record, I think she's much better than certain roles have allowed her to be. My cue is that - I could find a level of versatility in my own assemblage points to rival great actors.
sam dyer 9:42 PM
ellie hawthorn 9:42 PM
sam dyer 9:42 PM
I just came up with a great rap battle diss
ellie hawthorn 9:43 PM
yeah yeah uh huh yeah yeah I'm the best man
I did it
ever seen that
sam dyer 9:43 PM
my tongue is an acid-tinged silky virtual drillbit, as compared to those of my enemy unawares whose might as well be a catheter bag that's leaking out its own shit
ellie hawthorn 9:46 PM
I prefer mine

You Jay-Z now or wha
sam dyer 9:46 PM
yeah, you never heard flow as sick as that
both linguistically and visually
ellie hawthorn 9:47 PM
sam dyer 9:47 PM

ellie hawthorn 9:47 PM
it's sick baby
sam dyer 9:47 PM
I could be that ill on a consistent basis if I practiced
i could get sued for damages against the english language though
ellie hawthorn 9:49 PM
Don't be ill!
Have some medicines
: 3
sam dyer 9:49 PM
oh you NOOB
as in 'I'm ill, sick, wicked, banging'
ellie hawthorn 9:49 PM
I know
I was being funneh
sam dyer 9:50 PM
no, you were being a noob
but that's ok
we all slip up from time to time
some more than others
and some in more of a dramatic, slippy fashion that resembles performance art
ellie hawthorn 9:51 PM
Hey fuck you
sam dyer 9:51 PM
it'll cost you
ellie hawthorn 9:51 PM
I did that today thrice
sam dyer 9:51 PM
I'm highly in demand,
ellie hawthorn 9:51 PM
I'm so clumsy
what the fuck itunes
yeah alright just make hexagons out of yourself and lie all over chrome
sam dyer 9:52 PM
you can't talk to your computer through the mouse, noob
ellie hawthorn 9:52 PM
sam dyer 9:53 PM
step away from the hardware
ellie hawthorn 9:53 PM
sam dyer 9:55 PM
you just find anything amusing
including the exploitation of the jewish people
you racist
ellie hawthorn 9:55 PM
sam dyer 9:55 PM
you and hitler? like peas in a pod.
ellie hawthorn 9:56 PM
luv hitler
he my homeboy
get me
i wax his tash at the weekends~
Jungfolk fo lyfff represent <333
sam dyer 9:57 PM
yeah, and keep the hairs and roll around in them like a sick, sad person
ellie hawthorn 9:58 PM
there's nothing sick or sad about mine and mein fuhrers relationship okay
it's very healthy
we practise yoga on Tuesdays
u jus jelly
sam dyer 9:58 PM
considering that he's dead, i doubt your definition of health, but thats par for the course with someone as unbalanced as yourself
I'm sure you rock out with him in his 'crib'.
ellie hawthorn 9:59 PM
We do more than rock out
sam dyer 9:59 PM
you heard me, you hair laden hobag xD
ellie hawthorn 9:59 PM
sam dyer 9:59 PM
you'd better snap up that gmail name or I will.
ellie hawthorn 10:00 PM
I mean uh
sam dyer 10:00 PM
Bragging rights. All the SS will love you for it.
ellie hawthorn 10:00 PM
made it my tumblr name
sam dyer 10:01 PM
y'know, I seem to end up in contact with a lot of young people who are involved in terrorism and genocide these days
ellie hawthorn 10:01 PM
sam dyer 10:01 PM
met a very charming young lady who was prepping toddlers for al qaida camps
ellie hawthorn 10:01 PM
sam dyer 10:02 PM
teaching them on how to cleanse their homes
ellie hawthorn 10:02 PM
sam dyer 10:02 PM
and their lives, in the eternal fire of purification
it was a terrible situation
ellie hawthorn 10:03 PM
sam dyer 10:03 PM
I had to call in Dick Cheney to tell them all to go fuck themselves
ellie hawthorn 10:03 PM
...I'm not sure who he is
Oh I have to go
my dad wants to get on here
I'm gonna go watch that Banksy film and smoke up
sam dyer 10:04 PM
that's a good film.
this was the best conversation I've had in a while xD
ellie hawthorn 10:04 PM
we need to skype when I have my laptop back!
it's gonna be £70 to fucking repair
I'm awesome
buhbyeeee samwise
sam dyer 10:05 PM
Toodle ooh, Eva.
ellie hawthorn 10:06 PM

words and cinema

Technique, vocabulary
Puns, wordplay
Mouth-filling syllables and phrase usage
Non local references - coloured, popculture, past culture

For example - 'my tongue is an acid-tinged silky virtual drillbit, as compared to those of my enemy unawares whose might as well be a catheter bag that's leaking out its own shit'

Narrative - plot structure, acts 1, 2, 3, A-B-C stories
Rhythm, energy level, editing
Sound design, visuals, lighting
Cinematography, angles, shot setup, foreground, background, COLOURS
Social/cultural narrative background
Subtext, emotional, cultural references
Cultural relevance
Layers = repeat value
Individual shots

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Online Profile Building!

compliments skin tone/good lipstick/body shots/action poses
pro shot
sunny happy holiday snaps
secretarial poses
mona lisa smile
blue/red hippie headband and hair
leather jacket
windy hair pics

full cheeks/big lips
shoulder + length hair (or short!) w/ highlights-dyed hair
red/raven hair
short OR tall
flushed cheeks
small nose piercing
sci-fi/coloured/tribal tattoos
elfen look
piercing eyes
curious/mysterious/confident look
cowgirl hats/cowgirl!
silly faces
a bit curvy

light kind tenderness
open body language/inviting
obscure, idiosyncratic sense of humour
light hearted passion, contented/daring
strong career drive/sassy/a little animal
a little demented/macabre, distinct eccentricities

the exotic/other cultures
sci-fi/digital art
challenging for self empowerment
dorky 'raccoon' side
cult/kung-fu movies/TV
silly hats!

trying too hard to be: badass/nerdy
shallow/pretentious/saying you have no soul
total rationality/total emotionality/romanticising depression/indulging deep in the gothic
frizzy/mop hair
being generic - talking about your job, talking about yourself, self conscious taste and culture
too confrontational/dwelling on rage
too confused/sloppy thinking/winking
too dry
looking away from the camera all sullen/no body shots
INDULGING in drink/drugs/video games/false reality
divided into political belief systems and agendas
too boring: saying you hate describing yourself/use of ambiguous language-negative individual words-discussion of limitation
childish instead of child-like (big difference)

Rip these players' FCs.

These are the Guitar Hero/Rock Band players who have not only got the majority of on-disc songs FC'd, or even a full game FC - but multiple FGFCs, optimal ScoreHero scores and paths, 1st FCs of difficult songs and sections, working on many instruments on many games, and being part of that 'elite elite' community. Basically the very very best.



just to keep tabs on for next time..

One handed/picking (GH1 mode)
Hyperspeed mode 5/0.1
Blindfold/performance mode

Look into fun/tough songs for:
GH2/3 customs (get a PS2)
GH4/5/6 DLC
RBN DLC whenever
Purchase RB3 (with Pro Guitar/Keys/DrumCymbals)/GD RB

ALL GH4/5/6/tough-fun RBN
GH2 PS2 customs
Bad Hobbits Die Hard
Temple of the temple

GH3 PC customs - include speedups and 3999 sections, keep checking ggamerman's account
8 Deadly bits
12 donkeys
20th century boy
30 seconds of hell
Advanced Descending Triplets
Angel of death
Anguish and fear
apocalyptic feasting
Armoured Assault
Battle Storm
The Battle for Earth
Black Hole
Black Fire
bridge 1 x20
The Butcher
The Canopy
Carpal Tunnel
Casket Full of Eggshells
Cirque De Insanity
Clowns Of Dibbledabble
Colossal Myopia
Cosmic Exercise
Country Maniac
Cry For Eternity
Crystal Solidifiers
Dark Caves (preb)
Dark Matter
Death Piano
Deliniate 1/2
Don't Haz Aids
Double Dare
Dream Catcher
Duck song
The Duel
Echo (Live)
Eleven Blue Egyptians
Exile's Minute Of Madness
Fat Tony's Disco
Finish Line
Fried Rice Tastes Good
Fury of the storm
Game over
Get out of my yard
Geetars Suck (GHWOR)
Glacial Storm
Guitars still suck
Hellish watchmaker
Heroes Of War
ima fire mah lazor
Jam On It
Jupiter Space Odyssey
Kilocycle Interval
Life Passes Life comes
Lollercaust of Thought (callum whyte)
Machete Mirage
Madness March
Metallica Rules
Miles of machines
Moment in time
Mute City
My Spirit Will Go On
Neutron Factory
Nevermore Guitar battle
Nottingham Lace
Offers Hell
On The Double
Pacman Wizard
Phantom Wrath
Peace Of Mind
Ridiculosous (+ 125%)
Rude Mood
Scar Symmetry solo medley
Scottish Mini Wrath
Siege Engine
Silver Surfer
Sitting Ovation
Smiting down the weak (?)
Soldiers Of The Wastelands
Solo Suite
Sonic stomp
Soul of a robot
Soulless 2 (plus 3999 and speed up sections)
Soulless 3
Spacial Extremes
Speed Guitar Solo (cpt toaster)
Speed Kills
Summer Boredom
Synth Hero
Synthetic Division
Tapped Out
Testify the Gods
Testify The Titan
TTFAF 300bpm
Too Much Dragonforce
Tree of Wat
Turbo Bee
Twice In A Lifetime
Uber Song
Under The Influence
V (symphony X)
Vanilla Boogie
Vegeta's Revenge
Veiny Dicks
Victory Solo O
Victory Solo X
Watermelon Rapist
Wheels In Motion (+ Live)
Windows Song
Wizards Of Winter
Wrath of Mr Greg Murphy
The Zigman
CM/DWDTG Accurate
Dark Forest Trail
Arcane Apparatus from Beyond
Black Diamond

GH4/5 Tunes
Intense Torture
C'est Impossible
tap for your life
pretty chill
snarf snarf

GH6 Tunes
Paganini 24
Solstice Jam
+ more

Sunday 13 February 2011

PURE GOLD. Relationship warning.

But If We Started Dating It Would Ruin Our Friendship Where I Ask You To Do Things And You Do Them

By Kimberly Pruitt

I really like you. I do. You're so nice, and sweet, and you listen to all my problems and respond with the appropriate compliments. But, well, I don't really see a relationship in our future. It would be terrible if we let sex destroy this great friendship we have where I get everything I want and you get nothing you want. Don't you think?

I knew you would understand. You always do.

We're so perfect as friends, you know? I can tell you anything, and you know you can always come to me anytime you need to hear me bitch about work or how ugly I feel. You wouldn't want to ruin a friendship like that just so you could be my boyfriend, and have me look at you with desire and longing in my eyes, if only once—would you? Of course not. Well, if we started dating, it would only complicate this wonderful setup I've got going here.

It's just…you're like my best friend, and I would hate for something you desperately want to change that. I mean, sure, we could go on some dates, maybe mess around a little and finally validate the six years you've spent languishing in this platonic nightmare, but then what? How could we ever go back to the way we were, where I take advantage of your clear attraction to me so I can have someone at my beck and call? That part of our friendship means so much to me.

No. We are just destined to be really, really good friends who only hang out when I don't have a boyfriend, but still need male attention to boost my fragile and all-consuming ego.

Anything can happen once you bring romance in. Think about how awful my last relationship was at the end, remember? The guy I'd call you crying about at 3 a.m. because he wouldn't answer my texts? The guy I met at the birthday party you threw me? I had insanely passionate sex with him for four months and now we don't even talk anymore. God, I would die if something like that happened to us.

Plus, ick, can you even imagine getting naked in front of each other? I've known you so long, you're more like a brother that I've drunkenly made out with twice and never mentioned again. It'd be way too weird. And if we did, then whenever you'd come shopping with me, or go to one of my performances or charity events, or take me for ice cream when I've had a bad day at work, you'd be looking at me like, "I've seen her breasts." God, I can't think of anything more awkward that that.

Oh, before I forget, my mom says hi.

Anyway, you would totally hate me as your girlfriend. I'd be all needy and dramatic and slowly growing to love you. If I was your girlfriend, I would never be able to tell you all about the other asshole guys I date and pretend I don't see how much it crushes you. Let's never lose that. That's what makes us us.

Don't worry. You're so funny and smart and amazing, any girl but me would be lucky to date you. You'll find someone, I know it. And when you do, I'll be right by your side to suddenly become all flirty and affectionate with you in front of her, until she grows jealous and won't believe it when you say we're just friends. But when she dumps you, that's just what we'll be.

Best friends. Friends forever


You know, you’re right. It really is better this way. I mean, if we dated, chances are more than likely you wouldn’t live up to the fantasy I’ve built up. We’d date for a while. I’d grow sick of the insecurity stemming from dating a girl I consider “out of my league.” Then, one day, I’d realize that not only do you not respect me, you’ve also been preying on the fact that I’ve forced myself to believe you’re the only one for me. It’ll only get worse from there. I’ll realize that you’re really not that pretty, you’re really not that smart, and you’re really not that interesting. I’ll have no choice but to come to terms with the fact that you’re, at best, a seven. Sevens are good, don’t get me wrong, but a C is still a C… and let’s face it, you’re a real fucking C.

After that I’ll start looking around. Oh sure, I’ll stick around while the sex is still interesting. But it’ll all go back to you not living up to my fantasy version of you. No matter how hard you try, it’ll all come back to me looking down at you and thinking “Is this it?” as I show the same enthusiasm I do when I’m enjoying day-old pizza.

I’ll flirt with other girls; because now they’re interested in a guy they can’t have. My confidence will have increased. I’ll eventually realize that the trick to girls isn’t to date the prettiest or the smartest, just one the other girls are slightly jealous of. Hell, it could be a purse. They’ll see your new bag, find out I gave it to you (in reality long before we ever dated), and want a guy that gives them nice things like me… exactly like me.

Eventually you’ll realize that, now that I’ve got you, I’m losing interest. It wasn’t you I was in love with; it was the idea of you. It was the chase. You’ll become more and more insecure. You’ll complain that I don’t pay enough attention to you. And in the end you’ll realize I’ve become the same jerk I tried so hard to rescue you from. The shame of turning something so good into something so mediocre will gnaw at you until you cheat on me with some new douche. After all, he’s already a jerk and a loser. You didn’t make him that way. He can only get better. At least, that’s what you’ll hope.

The alternative is what? I’ll get angry, a natural reaction to the pain I’m feeling from rejection. My snide remarks will cut away at the eager-to-please impression you have of me. It’ll culminate into one huge fight. You’ll call me an asshole; I’ll call you a bitch. You’ll run to one of the other countless drones waiting to replace me and the whole cycle will start all over. The very friendship you were hoping to retain will be the one you’ve dashed. Maybe things would have been different if you hadn’t let me waste my time chasing something you never intended to give me.

Years later we’ll run into each other somehow. If I’m better off you’ll attribute it to my desire to “make you want me.” If I’m worse off you’ll think my life fell apart and it’s all because I didn’t know how to deal with not having you.
In the end it’s all my fault. I took things too slowly. Sure, there was that moment where you considered dating me; but I was looking away or too afraid to do anything about it. Then I hung around too long hoping to catch a second chance; but we both know it’ll never come. I was my own worst enemy.

Eventually I’ll learn the lesson; but chances are I’ll be so desperate for affection that I’ll wind up marrying the first thing that doesn’t say no. And you, you’ll always hope the jerk you settled for someday becomes as great a guy as I once was… long before I realized you were full of shit.

Vexed and perplexed by your texts
Exasperating eternally flexed
With a tension headache disrespecting in turn
A subliminal lesson you refuse to learn
I'm not pissed but filled up with concern
That you twist it all back to mean the worst
As if your history justifies how you can be terse
It's little things and cosmic strings
That paint this scene with the arrows and slings
Call it indulgence, call it despair
The circle completes as and leaves you unawares
To the chemical stew that manufactures you
Behind your back thieving and punching you blue
A hellish experience is of no consequence when it's
Left in a past without physical prudence
If this choice is made by one who's got none to lose,
What makes you think you can't step in his shoes?
There is no answer, no right and wrong,
Only the ones that sing the most powerful song,
So make up your story and drink up your tipple
Or come to the bridge and jump off the ship
Martyrdom, suicide? Why have the need to hide?
This is all drugs and funeral formaldehyde
In the plastic foreboding of cosmic self loathing
Normal a second ago, then look who decides to show
Toxic shame and blame and moral incorrigables
Who automatically run wild and invisible
And trick you into thinking that you get to say it's so
Let it pull your strings to the point where it's off the rails
And that you have a choice even though your happiness fails
I'm not a liar for turning aside
and standing in the middle to preserve my pride
to not buffet myself from cynic to child
to see myself playing these games all the while
I don't know what's to feel, think or do
But I got a good bearing on when it's controlling you
It's not good for you more or anyone else
And I can deal with your hate by what's left on the shelf
I might be arrogant to change your heart and mind
But you dwell on your hate, that is what you will find
With your thoughts and your words you determine your future
And paint a bloodstained and somber final solution
I live by real optimism and freedom of choice
Even if it's not optional to even have a voice
I'll fight for what's mine, what I want, in my heart
And unify deep inside, every last part.
Not fantasy, dreams or myopic desire
But all terms and parts that come under the wire
Challenge, I'll take it, and fight over again
And then we shall see who is fake and pretend
Not bastards who rape and abuse and pillage me
Spare me their ugliness and negativity
My freedom to choose is inherent neutrality,
long enough to return to tranquility
that's hopefully free of my ego and sanctimony
Sit in your pain without dwelling in hatred, yes
And then boldly go forward to take the next step
If I inspire you to puff out your chest
That's the best blessing a man could get.
Rebound towards whatever is best yet
And a poignant grace, waltz into the sunset.

March into hell, stoic as can be
No chemical conditioned benders in me
My power IS my spirituality

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Truth and obstacles.

Realities of life:
You're on your own
It's going to get harder - you will eventually get laid off, sick and die
No one really cares except maybe your mother.
So what can we do to minimize the impact of these three facts?

Simple. Get skills in a good industry, savings in a good currency, and not waste either those or your valuable time on depreciating resources like lattes and video games - and do your best to ensure you don't end up as the richest, most miserable corpse in the retirement home.
Genuinely enjoy your time on your own terms and not on the terms of the cultural conditioning that exists in your head.

But that's easier said than done.
Let's take money as a good example.

1. Dipping into Pandora's Box and picking the 'right industry' - which will be based on criteria you are not aware of yet:
- Arbitrage
- Stock Investing
- Local SEO
- Media Buying
- Affiliate Marketing
- Coaching
- Consulting
- Licensing...

2. Defeating the Hall of Mirrors and selecting the right training/s in that particular field.
- Taking the peanut gallery in stride: listening to everyone, including the lemmings who believe everything they hear, the slackers who haven't fully applied the training, the affiliates and rivals with a hidden agenda, the manipulative product creators who fail to disclose their return on investment, those who sell a business model that has saturation built in, the liars who fake the proof of their ROI, the political cowards standing up for these people who spin and dodge reasonable questions, the naive overjoyed to even make ONE dollar, and merging all of those perspectives into a consensus that this may or may not work for you - even though none of these people are to be trusted as they're talking about something which you haven't achieved for yourself.
- Having the resources to spend without going into the red, financially, physically, and mentally.

3. Applying the training within said field, in order to get the highest possible chance of a guaranteed result.
- Sticking out the weeks, sometimes months, to get gravity working in your direction.

4. Having the integrity, willpower, discipline and perseverance to STAY there in the long run.
- Not being distracted or undermined by useless information or hangers-on.
- Having the good fortune to realise you have not been duped by any of the first 3 steps.
- Researching market trends which could have a short and long-term impact on ROI.
- Eventually systematizing, automating, and outsourcing work which does not require a serious human decision.
- Sorting out their whole life so ALL of their yearly expenses (Mortgage, taxes, car payments, groceries/petrol/gas/water/electricity/Net/phone bills, house/car/health insurance/MOTs, sudden medical expenses, school textbooks/tuition, holidays/travel, entertainment (clothes/hygiene, Netflix/ITunes, books/DVDs, gym membership, music gear) are covered by their inputs.
- In short, not filtering reality into what they WANT to hear, but accepting all points of view, then removing the contradictions, and thus retaining and building their base of personal power. These people move inches at a time, like in the trenches during WW1.

Build positively reinforcing mental, physical, spiritual, economic, creative, and social habits/skill sets so that great momentum is built over a lifetime and you rise up instead of falling down. Unify all of these so they work in conjunction.

Ignore others even as they tell you that you are the golden boy. Your own approval is enough. Then you won't make bad decisions.

Understand the chemical broth, passion and reason, flow state, self esteem, and personal power, as the forces that fuel your 4-level personality matrix, 'different me's', the id/ego/superego, NLP logical levels, the MBTI, Enneagram, and unify them into a single mindset transformed by joy ...and balls.

Replace stress and hurry with calm centeredness.

Build a money tree over 10 or so years so you do not have to be prey to jobs that fire you, taxes that rob you, politicians that lie, a thieving society that pollutes the environment, food and water, programs and grooms our children with advertising, individuals with a false religious/political morality who have programmed your direct experience with language and culture and act like Agent Smith when fear and emotion warp their minds, and finally yourself, having to write a map of reality in your mind that doesn't ultimately exist. Don't be gullible: you don't owe them and they're not looking out for you.

Remember that justice and crime are arbitrary contextual concepts. Justice is vengeance at heart. crime is not evil, good people who commit crime for the right reasons are punished, even the invalidation of life through murder can create positive change, and so both the laws and moral concepts are both totally vague and implausible ways to govern your behaviour, to say nothing of the idea that if reincarnation is valid, it wipes the slate clean - so doesn't that undo ALL externally based moral systems, and all the social conditioning that goes with it? There are no answers save your choices!

People will get in your way. Ignore all of that and move somewhere you actually like. Use it as a chance to prove your own power to yourself. There's nothing for it. Society is no longer the best place to raise children or be friends with others.

Build a social mastermind of warriors with zero response time that seek to conquer their fear. Don't waste your time trying to 'find the answers' or 'find yourself', because you're making it all up. Be fully yourself, and then find others. Then you will know what the right thing to do is.
Stop drugging yourself with sex, drugs, technology, false beliefs, and bad relationships. Do what you need to do to embrace your power and stop at the point of indulgence. Learn to listen to your heart and come into your own measure of perfection. Time is short. Talk is cheap. Self importance is obnoxious and useless. Stop dreaming. Use information. Get a life.

Learn to understand others past their mental filters, which warp the very way you are perceived into a totally different version of yourself in each person's mind, into their heart. See the best in people, even as they do bad things that hurt others and exclude them from this game of society.

Learn social skills and stay tight with your family. Treat them with honour and respect, and don't expect it back - joy, however, is mandatory. High standards to be sure, but would your gut - or your balls - want anything else? Anything else is naivety.

Women are hard work for you. Keep an eye on them. Your work usually gets no respect, and you may find yourself coming home to her throwing a fit. Don't be alarmed - hold your ground. Give her a hug. Find a woman who is deserving of your total self, not just the naive boy who wants to be the knight in shining armour.

Set goals and stick to them. Meld the episodes of your life together. Become your whole self. Live on purpose.

Start a homeless shelter. You are one step away from that life at all times.

Be impeccable with your word, and always do your best.

Understand that you are on your own, it's going to get harder, and nature/time/society does not care, except maybe your parents - and that this is glorious. Eventually you will realise your neuroses are just a game you are playing - acting out - and then even you will cease to care, in the best possible way. You have total freedom - if that doesn't terrify you, you've done it.

You're going to die. Do what you want, and tell the truth. Just do your best to not hurt anyone else.
Disability benefit = 121.25/week 485/month 11640/2 years
Housing benefit = ?/week (presuming both remain)
Arbing = 20k @ 10%/month 24-32 months = 175k/year

In 10 months, that's 50k from building an arb balance.
Add another 13 months of subtracting 1k loan payments every month, and build arb wealth, and set aside the last 10k of loan payments on direct debit in month 24.

OUTPUTS (minus debt/overdraft)

Food etc = 50/week
Rent (1 person in 3 room flatshare) = 60/week
Utilities: gas/water/electric/net/phone/taxes/gym = 30/week
Fun = 20/week
Loan repayments = 20,000 @ APR/interest of 8-10% = 23k/2 years
= 950/month
= 240/week
PLUS= SAW Book, ebook/hardback
ArbSurfer Pro, 1 license
ArbAlarm - 1 subscription
SAW Advanced 1/2 = 1700 pounds
OVERALL = = 160/week (400/week for 10 months)

This assumes that benefits, the same 3 person flat, financial conditions, and monthly arb returns are consistent month to month. Of course, more income wouldn't go amiss = SEO, affiliate funnels, manifesting, and coaching, are also open with the time you will have available.

Repay debt, turn 10k into 175k from arb reinvestments.
Add penny stock and SEO and we're ticking

It's about more than the car, house, holiday, family and crazy dreams.
This is life:

To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Notes on Up.

This is a nearly perfect film, but there are two points I want to address that should have been implicitly pointed out.
Firstly, the villain is weak - why does Charles Muntz want the bird so much? The answer is prestige. He wants his place in society as an old man who is respected. He wants his 'story in life' to be honoured and respected and completed, otherwise he feels like his life has been wasted, and so it follows that he will stop at nothing to get it back. Carl on the other hand, suffers from a broken heart and just wants to live his life with dignity in the face of his mortality, and to live with the chance of achieving his dreams so he can feel like a real person even as society spurns him and death comes a knockin' in the form of a man in a black suit. The infinite sadness from feeling like a failure in the eyes of man, is what fuels both men, and so they are really just mirrors for each other. My only real problem with the film is how these deeper issues are subtly implied and left for you to uncover and think about them, but never made obvious, and so it feels like too cartoonish an ending. You don't feel anything when Muntz reaches his end, when you should be feeling sadness - because he represents a cross section of society who have reached life's inevitable conclusion with nothing to show for it. There are two hands you can choose at that point: the prison of material bitterness, or the joy of service to another's heart.

The second point is that Russell is angry at Carl because he breaks his promise to look after Kevin, though it's to protect the only thing he has left, his house and dream, from burning up. Their relationship is built upon trust, something the younger generation need more than ever, because their families fail them left right and center: abuse, divorce, suicide. Eventually it all comes crashing down: I've been watching Neon Genesis Evangelion up to my appointment, particularly watching the character of Asuka, how her bratty, rude bravery is just a shallow ploy she constructed in the wake of her mother's death, and how that breaks down the moment she reaches the limits of her own skill and faces the void. You have to break self importance and self denial, and, in the words of one of the best Dream Theater songs, 'make amends to fix this dying soul'...and accept that joy and love are enough.
Now that you can see all you have done
It's time to take that step into the kingdom
All your sins will only make you strong
To help you break right through that prison wall.

So what to do with seniors? The old should not be in homes: they should be in nurseries.

Friday 28 January 2011

Movie plot.

A terminally ill man, through the use of hash oil, goes on out of body experiences and becomes convinced that the planet will collapse due to deep mining of the crust, and attempts to leave his body before it implodes, bringing others with him. He encounters a 5th dimensional fortune teller who directs him to Mahavatar Babaji, who teaches him about spiritual skills: kundalini, remote viewing, DMT experiences, but before his training is completed, evil forces sabotage his work, and our hero must enter his decoded, surreal emotional body and synch his patterns up into optimal again, in order to save an entire dimension of reality. Emphasis on visual psychedelic jump cuts that infer changing channels. The emotional reality has to be directly portrayed.