Monday 28 March 2011

How to solve political issues:

Abortion, Social Security, Stem Cells: Make sexuality not a crime by having seniors raise kids. Teach parents to take responsibility. Give your elders something to do, a sense of security that transcends societal understanding. Understand that life has no beginning and end and thus cannot be destroyed.
Agriculture: Rinse the land of pesticides and start vertical farming.
Affirmative Action, Race Relations: See everyone as equal and start a program to help people gain social freedom so that we are all seen as one race. Set up systems of unity and respect.
Animal Rights: Go vegan, or at least get back to killing animals humanely.
The Budget: Legalize all drugs and sell them in unmarked dispensaries.
Campaign Finance: Make all contributions public knowledge and give candidates free air time.
Church and State, School Prayer: Keep them separate. Morality is your choice and cannot be legislated.
Climate Change, Energy, Nuclear: Use zero-carbon public transport, grow your own food in communal gardens, get off the grid, and use solar-biodiesel-fusion. And oh yeah, crack cold fusion.
Crime: Give every individual a voice and dignity, and an option within the system to pursue their happiness.
Death Penalty: Rehabilitate, no matter how much it hurts.
Drugs, Tobacco, Marijuana: Legalize all drugs and make life worth living.
Education: Teach children to come to their own wisdom instead of digesting facts.
Environment: Knock down houses and bring back nature so we can see we're a part of it.
Guns: Legalize home defense and bring in bullet controls.
Flat Tax: Set up a flat economy first.
Foreign Policy, Illegal Immigration, Free Trade, Terrorism: Set up a one world government that provides energy, education, health care, and a defense force for conflict, by removing ALL country borders. This would eventually remove the conditions for terrorism and poverty.
Gay Rights: Legalize.
Health Care, Patient Rights, Medicare: Everyone gets everything solved. (haha). Increase spending on research for the greatest killers - cancer, AIDS - and make data flow transparent and invisible.
Business and Tech: Cart before the horse. Problems come first instead of rampant growth.
Lobbying: Set up restrictions on how much a particular vested interest can be promoted.
Unemployment/Veterans/Welfare: Give everyone enough credits to have the basic needs of life set up, plus the opportunity to go higher if they need to. This would offset programs that deal with crime, war, and poverty (such as law!) Those who don't need it - can pass it on!

How can I implement solutions to these great problems?
Go to the most needy places and institute energy (solar, algae) and agriculture programs. Use zero-carbon public transport, Grow in communal gardens. Use solar panels. Educate inside towns. Set up entrepreneurial sectors.

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