Wednesday 23 March 2011


Does politics neuter everyone? I thought it was about solving problems but it's more a social whack-a-mole slash eternal-moving-bandaid. Yet there is room for glory and surprise despite everyone's greatest efforts, usually borne out of disaster. So it goes, time passes on, but I guess my point that shows like the West Wing teach me that you have to be sharp, as sharp as you've ever been. The hidden truth is that time wears you down to a nub. Life is an utter battlefield. 7 billion of us in a fight for survival, all trying to do the right thing.
One must look both ways - transcend partisanship...and then, from all the data, make a decision which is inevitably partisan. It's a tough one. And the way the world is right now, I doubt it will end or at least stabilise for at least another few hundred years.

Watched Paul. Not bad but I won't remember it. Will finish watching all of the West Wing plus Rango tomorrow. The only cue I can gather is the inspiration to be that sharp all the time. Plus I read some media reviews and thoroughly enjoyed the verbiage. It inspires me that no matter what, there's always more places to shift the assemblage point to.
Read a great article on Natalie Portman too. Is she a great actress? Depends on the media perception you have - the roles you get, the script you're given, the actors and directors you are with, the way you are that evolves over time. But, despite an inconsistent track record, I think she's much better than certain roles have allowed her to be. My cue is that - I could find a level of versatility in my own assemblage points to rival great actors.

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