Wednesday 2 February 2011

Truth and obstacles.

Realities of life:
You're on your own
It's going to get harder - you will eventually get laid off, sick and die
No one really cares except maybe your mother.
So what can we do to minimize the impact of these three facts?

Simple. Get skills in a good industry, savings in a good currency, and not waste either those or your valuable time on depreciating resources like lattes and video games - and do your best to ensure you don't end up as the richest, most miserable corpse in the retirement home.
Genuinely enjoy your time on your own terms and not on the terms of the cultural conditioning that exists in your head.

But that's easier said than done.
Let's take money as a good example.

1. Dipping into Pandora's Box and picking the 'right industry' - which will be based on criteria you are not aware of yet:
- Arbitrage
- Stock Investing
- Local SEO
- Media Buying
- Affiliate Marketing
- Coaching
- Consulting
- Licensing...

2. Defeating the Hall of Mirrors and selecting the right training/s in that particular field.
- Taking the peanut gallery in stride: listening to everyone, including the lemmings who believe everything they hear, the slackers who haven't fully applied the training, the affiliates and rivals with a hidden agenda, the manipulative product creators who fail to disclose their return on investment, those who sell a business model that has saturation built in, the liars who fake the proof of their ROI, the political cowards standing up for these people who spin and dodge reasonable questions, the naive overjoyed to even make ONE dollar, and merging all of those perspectives into a consensus that this may or may not work for you - even though none of these people are to be trusted as they're talking about something which you haven't achieved for yourself.
- Having the resources to spend without going into the red, financially, physically, and mentally.

3. Applying the training within said field, in order to get the highest possible chance of a guaranteed result.
- Sticking out the weeks, sometimes months, to get gravity working in your direction.

4. Having the integrity, willpower, discipline and perseverance to STAY there in the long run.
- Not being distracted or undermined by useless information or hangers-on.
- Having the good fortune to realise you have not been duped by any of the first 3 steps.
- Researching market trends which could have a short and long-term impact on ROI.
- Eventually systematizing, automating, and outsourcing work which does not require a serious human decision.
- Sorting out their whole life so ALL of their yearly expenses (Mortgage, taxes, car payments, groceries/petrol/gas/water/electricity/Net/phone bills, house/car/health insurance/MOTs, sudden medical expenses, school textbooks/tuition, holidays/travel, entertainment (clothes/hygiene, Netflix/ITunes, books/DVDs, gym membership, music gear) are covered by their inputs.
- In short, not filtering reality into what they WANT to hear, but accepting all points of view, then removing the contradictions, and thus retaining and building their base of personal power. These people move inches at a time, like in the trenches during WW1.

Build positively reinforcing mental, physical, spiritual, economic, creative, and social habits/skill sets so that great momentum is built over a lifetime and you rise up instead of falling down. Unify all of these so they work in conjunction.

Ignore others even as they tell you that you are the golden boy. Your own approval is enough. Then you won't make bad decisions.

Understand the chemical broth, passion and reason, flow state, self esteem, and personal power, as the forces that fuel your 4-level personality matrix, 'different me's', the id/ego/superego, NLP logical levels, the MBTI, Enneagram, and unify them into a single mindset transformed by joy ...and balls.

Replace stress and hurry with calm centeredness.

Build a money tree over 10 or so years so you do not have to be prey to jobs that fire you, taxes that rob you, politicians that lie, a thieving society that pollutes the environment, food and water, programs and grooms our children with advertising, individuals with a false religious/political morality who have programmed your direct experience with language and culture and act like Agent Smith when fear and emotion warp their minds, and finally yourself, having to write a map of reality in your mind that doesn't ultimately exist. Don't be gullible: you don't owe them and they're not looking out for you.

Remember that justice and crime are arbitrary contextual concepts. Justice is vengeance at heart. crime is not evil, good people who commit crime for the right reasons are punished, even the invalidation of life through murder can create positive change, and so both the laws and moral concepts are both totally vague and implausible ways to govern your behaviour, to say nothing of the idea that if reincarnation is valid, it wipes the slate clean - so doesn't that undo ALL externally based moral systems, and all the social conditioning that goes with it? There are no answers save your choices!

People will get in your way. Ignore all of that and move somewhere you actually like. Use it as a chance to prove your own power to yourself. There's nothing for it. Society is no longer the best place to raise children or be friends with others.

Build a social mastermind of warriors with zero response time that seek to conquer their fear. Don't waste your time trying to 'find the answers' or 'find yourself', because you're making it all up. Be fully yourself, and then find others. Then you will know what the right thing to do is.
Stop drugging yourself with sex, drugs, technology, false beliefs, and bad relationships. Do what you need to do to embrace your power and stop at the point of indulgence. Learn to listen to your heart and come into your own measure of perfection. Time is short. Talk is cheap. Self importance is obnoxious and useless. Stop dreaming. Use information. Get a life.

Learn to understand others past their mental filters, which warp the very way you are perceived into a totally different version of yourself in each person's mind, into their heart. See the best in people, even as they do bad things that hurt others and exclude them from this game of society.

Learn social skills and stay tight with your family. Treat them with honour and respect, and don't expect it back - joy, however, is mandatory. High standards to be sure, but would your gut - or your balls - want anything else? Anything else is naivety.

Women are hard work for you. Keep an eye on them. Your work usually gets no respect, and you may find yourself coming home to her throwing a fit. Don't be alarmed - hold your ground. Give her a hug. Find a woman who is deserving of your total self, not just the naive boy who wants to be the knight in shining armour.

Set goals and stick to them. Meld the episodes of your life together. Become your whole self. Live on purpose.

Start a homeless shelter. You are one step away from that life at all times.

Be impeccable with your word, and always do your best.

Understand that you are on your own, it's going to get harder, and nature/time/society does not care, except maybe your parents - and that this is glorious. Eventually you will realise your neuroses are just a game you are playing - acting out - and then even you will cease to care, in the best possible way. You have total freedom - if that doesn't terrify you, you've done it.

You're going to die. Do what you want, and tell the truth. Just do your best to not hurt anyone else.
Disability benefit = 121.25/week 485/month 11640/2 years
Housing benefit = ?/week (presuming both remain)
Arbing = 20k @ 10%/month 24-32 months = 175k/year

In 10 months, that's 50k from building an arb balance.
Add another 13 months of subtracting 1k loan payments every month, and build arb wealth, and set aside the last 10k of loan payments on direct debit in month 24.

OUTPUTS (minus debt/overdraft)

Food etc = 50/week
Rent (1 person in 3 room flatshare) = 60/week
Utilities: gas/water/electric/net/phone/taxes/gym = 30/week
Fun = 20/week
Loan repayments = 20,000 @ APR/interest of 8-10% = 23k/2 years
= 950/month
= 240/week
PLUS= SAW Book, ebook/hardback
ArbSurfer Pro, 1 license
ArbAlarm - 1 subscription
SAW Advanced 1/2 = 1700 pounds
OVERALL = = 160/week (400/week for 10 months)

This assumes that benefits, the same 3 person flat, financial conditions, and monthly arb returns are consistent month to month. Of course, more income wouldn't go amiss = SEO, affiliate funnels, manifesting, and coaching, are also open with the time you will have available.

Repay debt, turn 10k into 175k from arb reinvestments.
Add penny stock and SEO and we're ticking

It's about more than the car, house, holiday, family and crazy dreams.
This is life:

To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people
and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty,
to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better,
whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.

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