Thursday 25 November 2010

Lucid dreams.

I just woke up from having 3 very strong dreams:
- being in a dark depressing room with the Simpsons writers, who were ending the show. I told them that for 10 years their show was the best thing on TV and that they should be proud.
- Going to see a play of Hamlet, above a supermarket, and leaving to find some apple juice with 'double chocolate', clearly this is what my physical body was craving at the time. Going back, finding a left side, front row seat, and then....
- Being stuck by a lamp-post , in the middle of a cross roads with raging traffic and wondering how I would get out. Challenging the best Guitar Hero player in the world, ace5993, to a duel, and meeting his (imaginary) hot sister. Trying to find him again and ending up in a construction site. Then - and this is the clincher - remembering thinking to myself, 'is this a dream? No - it's FAR too vivid.' I was literally on the cusp of having the strongest lucid dreaming experience I have ever had. Now, if I could only have one, particularly over my health, that would allow me to have some kind of breakthrough, ANY kind.

The specifics of some of this is just mental chatter and reflections of the physical and mundane. Being thirsty in the middle of the night, for example. But there's enough metaphor here to take it seriously.
'Crossing - you like to go against the majority and so attract criticism' (no doubt I don't want to get crushed by cars and face peoples judgement, I never have, fear of annihilation is not my strong suit). But I have a clear choice to make and just don't know which way to go, it seems.

I actually made the choice yesterday to go on the spiritual path 100%. No more vacuous entertainment. No more learning without application or inspiration at all. It just leaves me where I'm at now, which is at what feels like a whole lot of not very much. I doubt my usefulness in my current state, to the world as I currently observe it, so I'm overdue to meditate and follow the advice I was given a few weeks ago but too stubborn to admit that someone knew me better than I did: focus 100% on the divine.

Gotta go.

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