Wednesday 8 December 2010

The ultimate money manifestation process.

Here is the process:

1. I identify an issue or topic about which I am experiencing emotional pain. About which I am mired in a lower reality than my desires. Remember that all emotional pain is simply the distance between your vibration and your desires - the greater the distance the greater the pain.

2. I chose "making money from my website" as a topic to which I will apply this process. I have spent, literally, hundreds of hours working on one of my websites and, forover a year, I have been stuck at an income level lower than my desire for it. Hence, there is a gap between my vibration (what I am currently experiencing) and my desire ($100/day).

3. I take out a piece of paper and a pen and I write about my feelings regarding "making money from my website." I let myself freely flow anything that wants to come out and I write it down. I stick, however, to what I am REALLY feeling about it - NOT how I want to feel about it or how I think I "ought" to feel about it.

These feelings are not going to be positive. They do not feel good either. It takes courage to write about them honestly! Because they are no fun to think about and deal with!

But here's the thing: I am not writing down anything, no matter how negative, that I'm not already dealing with everyday on, at the very least, an unconscious level. In other words, writing about these bad feelings doesn' t make them real. They are already real - I'm just not in the habit of honestly looking them square in the face every day.

Let's gethonest here - it's much more comfortable to slap a smiley face over the gas gauge then it is to go fill the gas tank! Of course we would never do that in real life because we couldn't get anywhere without gas in our car. But we do it all the time to ourselves - spiritually - when we slap smiley faces over our bad feelings.

So with this initial writing, I officially declare - no more smiley faces on "making money from my website"! I don't feel good about it! I hate that I'm not making more money! It sucks to feel this unworthy!

4. After "vomiting" my real, honest, current feelings about "making money from my website" on my page, I look on the emotional guidance scale and identify where I am. In my case I see that my writing aligns my most closely with "worry" because I am worried that I'm never going to see more income from all my effort. I'm worried that all my effort has been wasted. I'm worried that I don't deserve more money from my website.

5. At this point, I write "Tomorrow - doubt" at the bottom of the writing I just did. Because "doubt" is the next highest emotion on the emotional guidance scale. And then I start thinking about "making money from my website" from the perspective of "doubt". I meditate about it, and I let it ruminate in my mind.

6. The next day, I sit down and write about "making money from my website" from the perspective of doubt. I give myself permission to really feel "doubt" about making money from my website. I roll around in it. I set up camp in "doubt" and write about it and write about it and write about it.

What I find is that, with that much effort and attention, I am able to really make an actual transitionfrom"worry"to "doubt" regarding "making money with my website". First of all, it's not that big of a leap. It's a realistic up-tick of emotional perspective; it feels real and genuine because it's a slight improvement...NOT a smiley face slapped over an empty gas gauge!

Sometimes it takes a couple days to really embrace and "be" the next highest emotion. And that's fine. It takes as long as it takes - but I don't procrastinate on the process intentionally.

7. I move only one emotion up the scale at a time. One day at a time. Any faster becomes "slapping a smiley face".

As I move up the scale, I notice that what I'm manifesting improves dramatically - sometimes with only one tick up! That's because I'm vibrating (and, thus, attracting) differently even with only one tick up the scale.

I also notice that my perspectives change as I move up the scale. What I thought I would be thinking about and writing about often turns out very differently in real practice. For example, I started writing about "making more money from my website" thinking about people making clicks and purchases.

Now, tenspots up the emotional guidance scale, I'm no longer focused on that at all. Instead I've transitioned, in a very natural progression, into focusing on delivering greater value (and impuning greater value into the work I've already done). I now understand that delivering value is what it's all about (and feeling that what I'm doing has great value).

If I'm delivering great value the universe will reflect that back to me. I don't have to sweat how that will happen, it's the law!

Health map:
Who would I be if I overcame this disease?
- A blissful, happy soul who utterly loves everything in his world.
How would I feel about life?
- From relaxed and contented, to joyous and appreciative.
How would I treat others?
- With friendliness, respect, tenderness, compassion, and fun!
What kind of goals would I try to achieve?
- I have a long list of things I want to achieve, wrote them all down.
Who would I want to spend time with?
- My family and friends! I want to really appreciate them and give them a great time!
How would I feel?
- Full of peace, passion, creativity, and joy!
Pretty cool stuff!

Sunday 28 November 2010

Is life a giant playground?

If consciousness is a kind of call-and-response feedback loop, and the outside world has no inbuilt meaning and only consists of empty props, when we shed ourselves of the last remnants of old cycles, the illusions that anyone is doing it to us, and self imposed negativity, doesn't life become a playground again? If you spend enough time with NO responsibilities or attachments, knowing that whatever matters will come back to you, isn't this state of being inevitable, once you pass through the elusive obviousness of faulty beliefs that just need a spotlight shined on them? Once you truly eliminate the detritus and baggage, it's like love comes into the room and you are free! Don't you just have to sit down and from a certain perspective, accept your role as a creator? The internal state I'm writing this from is like breathing fresh air and tapping into my higher self, the awareness that nothing is going wrong, that my spiritual teachers were right. Science is based on the false assumption of narrowing all present moment experience down into what we can all agree on - but we can't agree on anything, have you looked at the world around you lately? What about all the rest of the stuff out there that wasn't boiled down into a peer reviewed journal and does not allow for 'figuring it out' because right now present moment experience never fully kowtoes to a theory or map?

Feeling good now is the ONLY true freedom. The anti-logic is that people work hard to earn money to have stuff to feel good, universally. That few stop to understand they can just feel good is pretty funny - that wealth is emotional freedom and heart and intimacy and tenderness, that health is the absence of negative emotion in your physical field and it can become completely released, that relationship is seeing first in yourself the eyes of love so that you come into the frequency and area of someone who can see that and only that in you! Love in the body is love for yourself!

So if health, wealth, spirituality, and relationships, are all down to your feeling state, why not start there and NEVER LEAVE?

I'll probably shift out of this state of being and left to wonder what ineffable place I was trying to express through words, but chances are it's only going to get better and better, so what the hey!
No more scans - how can Doc say when I'm going to kick the can when he doesn't know when he will? What grants such a man the gift of God and judgment over his brother by his cod philosophy? An educated guess from past experience? What more is this educated guess than a set of possible outcome probabilities, a quantum crossroad, turned into an absolute assumption by mentally squelched asinine academics seeking a final end to faith out of safety and security from a supposed emotional space of fear? Should they tell me to mind my metaphysical manners, so to speak, when I have moment-to-moment guidance on the reality I realize, absolute and assured? Since isn't it apparent ancient knowledge, that if you are feeling good, only good can come to you, since bountiful being determines emotional interpretation? To those that disagree and claim exactitude and 'absolute truth' since they can see repeated evidence, would their truth truly make them happy? Or is happiness it's own kind of evidence that must be explored to fully close the circle in utter unity? If everyone sees the evidence, will all still agree on the answer or will there be those who deny in the name of imaginings? Is the nature of evidence ultimately down to the interpretational emotional charge of the individual? And if so, will the image be invisible to those who defiantly determine themselves as incomplete?
Only believers in death will die!

THE PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE IS TO FEEL UTTER JOY FOR NO REASON, and the excuses and exceptions you create to that effect are SLOWLY killing you, even as you read these words and remain emotionally blank, you have to remember you are dying. Get happy ANY way you can. If the only choice available to you is running from fear, take it until you find the appropriate block in your belief system. Unrestraint is key, even in the face of reality - magnetize the feeling in your gut, don't just rationalize yourself into accepting mediocrity. That's a death trap.
If you can't think of anything that gives you joy, it's because definitions have emerged which are actually blocking you from seeing the real version of the thing that you think you are seeing, and those need to be brought into the light so you can at least SEE and KNOW that there might be a preferable alternative. And once you imagine an alternative, you've already begun to quite literally create it, so WHY CHOOSE ANYTHING ELSE?
Because believe me, numbness and unease are merely the emotional equivalent of having no space to breathe because every bit of light has been smudged out.
Most of the time my contentedness is a front for putting up with it, something I have believed in for so long that it has become me. Because if I were to truly live in my life, I would make it heaven. But I won't even allow myself to experience what that could be, because I'm so fixated on what's in front of my face.
In short, I refuse to experience love.Right here and now. It's an unknown unknown to I that you could, and the layers of the ego are so deep, I need a hallucinogen to bust me out. Not that it matters. folk only start listening to what I'm saying after they go through intense pain, a pain so great it resensitises them. If you are going through a painful experience and refuse to accept the pain through useless mindgames, you are CHEATING YOURSELF. It doesn't matter about anything else, whatever cultural emotional programs exist in someone else that they create some chemical broth that fuels the mental filter that distorts whatever I'm saying. You must learn to lead yourself!

The concept of romantic love didn't exist until the middle ages. It was created by troubadors who would travel around serenading noblewomen with love try to pull them away from the real men, kings and soldiers who kicked ass and took names all day. They created the concept of a magical force that would bring two people together against all odds because they had no value to offer themselves.

Happiness is this: confidence you can do the right thing. That's the foundation. Without integrity you cannot be happy. Otherwise, the whole building will fall down, so to speak. With it in place, you can be satisfied that your survival won't be in doubt by your own hand. So you can relax, and let your natural emotional system program you through positively reinforcing behaviours. Happiness is the byproduct of those good habits - what you get for beating resistance.

We tend to forget we are biological creatures, with all these species of bacteria, and that certain things create certain emotional chemical standards in our body...and that we have the power to utterly change those over time, and thus change the root way we interact, beyond the multivarious survival programs. We can learn to be creative for its own sake, until ALL false belief systems fall by the way side. We can spear the circle that completes itself and wedge it open. Your thoughts are not real, they are automatically garbage. If you stop using the language on which the problem is based, the problem automatically disappears and so it's automatically false. ONLY EXPERIENCE IS REAL. Don't think about nothing - don't even think.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Lucid dreams.

I just woke up from having 3 very strong dreams:
- being in a dark depressing room with the Simpsons writers, who were ending the show. I told them that for 10 years their show was the best thing on TV and that they should be proud.
- Going to see a play of Hamlet, above a supermarket, and leaving to find some apple juice with 'double chocolate', clearly this is what my physical body was craving at the time. Going back, finding a left side, front row seat, and then....
- Being stuck by a lamp-post , in the middle of a cross roads with raging traffic and wondering how I would get out. Challenging the best Guitar Hero player in the world, ace5993, to a duel, and meeting his (imaginary) hot sister. Trying to find him again and ending up in a construction site. Then - and this is the clincher - remembering thinking to myself, 'is this a dream? No - it's FAR too vivid.' I was literally on the cusp of having the strongest lucid dreaming experience I have ever had. Now, if I could only have one, particularly over my health, that would allow me to have some kind of breakthrough, ANY kind.

The specifics of some of this is just mental chatter and reflections of the physical and mundane. Being thirsty in the middle of the night, for example. But there's enough metaphor here to take it seriously.
'Crossing - you like to go against the majority and so attract criticism' (no doubt I don't want to get crushed by cars and face peoples judgement, I never have, fear of annihilation is not my strong suit). But I have a clear choice to make and just don't know which way to go, it seems.

I actually made the choice yesterday to go on the spiritual path 100%. No more vacuous entertainment. No more learning without application or inspiration at all. It just leaves me where I'm at now, which is at what feels like a whole lot of not very much. I doubt my usefulness in my current state, to the world as I currently observe it, so I'm overdue to meditate and follow the advice I was given a few weeks ago but too stubborn to admit that someone knew me better than I did: focus 100% on the divine.

Gotta go.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Ghost ride the whip

Hyperconductive higher mind sez 'hai!'


(ghost ride the whip! :D)
I promise I'll contribute something of value every day, I swear!